Thursday, January 13, 2005

Oooohhhh, Saturday morning the 29th is going to be interesting. I have two orientations that day for classes -- at the same time. One is mandatory, the other is "strongly recommended". Oh dear. I think I'm going to be getting in touch with my English prof to tell him/her that I can't make the orientation unless they want to fight it out with my Astronomy prof. *sigh* I should be okay; it's English, writing, basic freshman comp sort of thing. Basically, book reports. If the level of student is anything like what I saw in the hallowed *cough* halls while waiting for the advisor, I can probably do it touch-typing, blindfolded, without ever reading the book. (I winced when I heard one guy try to sound out "college" and wound up proudly saying "colleague!" to his girlfriend... who looked at him admiringly. Do they let them out totally illiterate these days?!)

Still, I suppose being a student now has its perks. I'm going semi-nocturnal again, mostly through insomnia. At least I have the luxury of doing that. I've already started to lose some of the weight I put on, and I have more energy. I think that office was draining me more than I was aware of, and I think taking classes will be a lot less problematic. I'm old enough now that I'm not going to be distracted by boys/girls/drugs/freedom/etc, and from the looks of things I'll have plenty of spare brain cycles. (If my competition can't figure out how to pronounce "college"... folks, if you can't pronounce it you probably shouldn't be attending it.)

Plus I'll have an excuse to go socialise -- there's a new club night starting up that looks absolutely delightful. Much dancing will occur. And it's not every week, which means I'll have time to recover after I go play in the pretty silly bouncy synthy music. (Dancing is a bit of a surround-sense activity for me.)

I should go investigate bed now. Meh. 5am rambles are always odd. And my touch-typing is getting worse. Must remember to wake up to chanting monks. I did today, and between that and the total pea-soup fog outside it started a pleasantly surreal day. Except for the assholes with leafblowers outside. You can't blow leaves in drizzly fog, it just doesn't work. I don't know why they were trying it unless it was to make noise. But I managed to get back to sleep to be awakened by the monks. I recommend that sort of thing. The monks, I mean.

*rereading that last bit* Ooooookay, time for bed.