Thursday, January 20, 2005

Why. On. Earth. Does every single frickin' bit of publicity, any sort of mention in the news, society, etcetera ALWAYS portray people with handicaps (wheelchair, deformities, etc) as bloody angels on earth? It seems the more impaired they are, the more saintly they're made out to be.

Fuck that. I've known too damned many perfectly "normal" people who WERE up for sainthood, and too many people with varying levels of physical and/or mental problems who were fucking assholes and worthless sacks of shit. "Vermin" comes to mind, a guy I went to college with. He used his physical problems (not sure what they were other than "noticeable") to get away with publicly groping anything attractive and female, and signed up for a Life Drawing class for the sole purpose of seeing "naked women". His mistake there was bragging about it (as usual), because I was the model for that class and reported it before classes started. I remember Chuck, a guy I dated for a while. Birth defects, wheelchair, spectacular artist, nice guy until I realized he was immature as hell and it would drive me batshit if we got engaged.

Two examples, out of the many that I've known -- for fuck's sake, spina bifida does not an angel come to earth make. Physical shells have NOTHING, fucking NOTHING, to do with whether someone's an asshole or a saint. I am sick and fucking tired of society assuming that because a teenager has foetal alcohol syndrome or leukemia that they are wonderful. They're people. That's it. Some take it better than others.